Club Activities

Club Corvette of Connecticut has several “traditional” activities that are on our calendar of events every year. Some are weekly, monthly, or seasonal and a few are annual. In addition to these traditional events, our calendar is constantly being expanded with new submittals by our members, and other clubs and organizations.


Monthly Meeting

Club Corvette of Connecticut’s General Membership meeting is held on the first Tuesday of each month at the Parthenon Diner Restaurant, 374 East Main Street in Branford, starting at 7:00 PM. Approximately two weeks before the meetings, the meeting agenda is published in the club newsletter, “Vette Gazette”. These meetings are both business and social in nature. Reports are given to the members regarding club finances, reports from chairpersons and recent activities enjoyed by members, introduction of new members, “member news” and other items of interest. An important element of our meetings is information on upcoming events. Sign-up sheets are available on each event so that you can indicate your interest in participating in that event. Some members will come to the restaurant prior to the meeting to have dinner and socialize with other members. Our meetings are the origin from which great friendships develop. All members are encouraged to attend the monthly meeting. Remember to sign the meeting attendance sheet.

Cruise Nights

Flyers with detailed information for “Cruise Nights” are available at our monthly meetings or on our Upcoming Events page. Advance sign up is not required for cruise nights . . . just show up!

Weekly Club Dinner

Thursday Nights at 6:00 PM
Parthenon Diner Restaurant
374 East Main Street
Branford, CT 06405
(203) 481-0333    Google Maps Directions

Not all members bring their Corvettes, since they come directly from work. A great opportunity to dine and socialize with other club members.

Community Events

Club members not only enjoy cruising in their Corvettes for personal pleasure. They also take pride in using “America’s Sports Car” to support community events.

Memorial Day
The Club participates in Memorial Day ceremonies in the town of East Haven. Our “Vettes for Vets” chauffeur service provides rides to veterans from the VFW Hall to the Memorial Day ceremonies on the town green . . . an awesome sight for the onlookers and a time of honor and pride for those of us driving.

4th of July Parade
4th of July Parade

The Town of Madison’s 4th of July Parade has thousands of spectators along the route. As our Club’s contingent of 25 gleaming Corvettes, adorned with American Flags, makes its way past the crowds, an occasional revved up engine and rumbling mufflers brings a roar of approval from the crowd, a “Cool Car” from the kids and “Thumbs-Up” from the adults. Corvette life is good!!!/p>

Annual Corvette Show
Annual Corvette Show

By far, the most important event of the year is our Annual Corvette Show. This is a major team effort and all members are needed to participate. The Club Corvette of Connecticut Show is the largest and has the reputation for being the finest of its kind in the New England region. Typically, we will have more than 300 Corvettes on the field with over 200 in competition for trophies and awards. This show is a major fund raiser from which partial proceeds of the monies generated are distributed to Connecticut charities.

Korvettes for Kids

Every December, our club supports the Connecticut State Police with their program to collect toys for needy families. Our members will collect and/or purchase the toys for donation. On a designated Sunday morning, we gather at our sponsor’s facility with our Corvettes full of toys. With a State Police escort and Santa in the lead Corvette, the caravan cruises down I-95 to Police HQ in Bridgeport. We deliver enough toys to put wide smiles on the faces of about 800 kids at Christmas time.

Four Day Weekends

Corvettes at Carlisle

There are two Four Day Weekends in which some members regularly participate. The more popular is “Corvettes at Carlisle“, in Carlisle PA, in late August. This is reported to be the largest all-Corvette event in North America, with more than 5,000 Corvettes typically on display in the Fun Field and Car Corrals. The show also hosts a gigantic swap meet, an “Installation Alley”, autocross events, a burnout contest, women’s events, Corvette-only parade through downtown Carlisle, and other activities. Hundreds of vendors are on hand, selling virtually any Corvette part you’ll ever need or want, new or old. New and used Corvettes, from projects to show cars, are also bought and sold. Representatives from specialty parts manufacturers and distributors, as well as General Motors personnel and Corvette design engineers are on hand to present their products and answer your questions. Typically, 30 to 35 club members caravan to Carlisle each year for this one. Download the Corvettes at Carlisle Program here.

The other Four Day Weekend that attracts some members is the Free State Corvette Club Weekend, held at Ocean City Maryland in mid-October. This is not a swap meet or technically-oriented activity. It is just “kick back and relax” with friends. The three main elements include a road rally, judged show and parade of hundreds of Corvettes on the 2-1/2 mile-long Ocean City Boardwalk.

Dates, times and other specific information on all of the above activities will be discussed at the monthly meeting, posted on the Upcoming Events page of this website and published in the weekly “Things-To-Do This Weekend” email that is distributed every Wednesday. Members are encouraged to select any or all of the above activities, participate and enjoy your Corvette and the camaraderie it generates with other Club members.